Piano | ExtraEd - Now You Can Learn to Play


Starting at middle C…

The language of music. This program offers a delightful introduction to the piano and the fundamentals of music. Participants learn how time, rhythm, pitch and dynamics all combine to form the music around us.

Acoustic awareness.  Students navigate finger, arm, and body positions with precision as they work towards creating beautiful melodies. They develop better listening skills and a keen sense of focus in their harmonious explorations.

Build musical bonds. Lasting connections are forged through the shared language of music. As young talents collaborate in a supportive group setting they foster camaraderie and a shared love of musical expression.

Take your keyboard home with you.

Extra Ed provides electric keyboards and sheet music to every student. Between classes students take their instruments home to practice on their own (or to jam with their families!).

Appropriate to their age and abilities, students will be instructed in:

  • Care and handling of the instrument
  • Proper finger, arm, and body positioning
  • Introduction to reading music
  • Rhythm and technique exploration
  • Ear training for enhanced musical perception
  • Exploring improvisation in a supportive environment

Our Clubs are run as extracurricular programming in schools across the Greater Toronto Area. With exciting subjects, engaging instructors, and hands-on activities, this program offers educational experiences beyond the school curriculum.  Learn more>

This program (delivered in-school, during class time) has been designed to supplement and extend Ontario school curriculum. Our experiential mode of instruction brings unique activities into any classroom, resulting in meaningful and memorable learning outcomes. Learn more>

Our Lunch and Afterschool Clubs are typically run as three to eight-week programs, but we also offer one-off presentations, including half-day or full-day activities.

Our In-Class Enrichment programs are tailored to suit the particular needs of any given classroom and school budget and can be presented as half-day, full-day, multiple-day, or weekly activities.

Junior kindergarten to grade 8.
Available in English and French.
