ExtraEd | In-Class Enrichment Program

In-Class Enrichment Program.

This program is for schools looking to bring exciting, supplemental learning into their classrooms. Delivered on-site, our program provides the staff, materials and administrative support to integrate seamlessly into the school day. Programs are delivered during classroom time.


Enhance the curriculum.

With curriculum developed by subject experts and OCT educators, we give students experiences designed to enhance and supplement in-class teaching. We aim to provide innovative activities in the classroom, fostering understanding of topics in unique and fulfilling ways.

Applied learning.

We present hands-on activities that teach concepts in meaningful and memorable ways. For instance, our students may learn to use a coding language so they can program simple games; analyze chess movements to explore their underlying mathematical concepts and hierarchies; or participate in financial decision-making tournaments to comprehend the long-term impact of their fiscal choices.

Flexible delivery options.

Available for classes from kindergarten to grade 8, we make our In-Class Enrichment programs flexible in delivery. We tailor them to suit the particular needs of any given classroom, and present each as half-day, full-day, multiple-day, or weekly activities.

Contact us for more information:

Please reach Katya at 416 521 5252 or katya@extraed.ca

Program subjects.

In-Class Enrichment is available in all the subjects we instruct. Dependent on grade level, we tailor each subject to a diversity of skills, interests and learning outcomes. Popular choices of programs include financial literacy, chess, coding, short video creation, robotics, mixed media and comic book art. For information on specific subjects please browse our individual subject pages.


Extra Ed’s programs are led by a wonderful team of experienced and certified instructors and assistants. Our team includes educators, musicians, chess masters, artists, and more—each of whom brings knowledge, expertise and great enthusiasm for working with students of all ages.


We make it easy. All Extra Ed programs are straightforward to implement and low-maintenance to operate. Working directly with teachers and school admin, we create programs that fit their needs and schedule—with minimal administrative requirements.
