Kindergarten - Extra Ed

Kindergarten Programming

With programs that serve a broad range of age and developmental levels, we are always mindful to address the needs of our younger participants. Accordingly, we have tailored several of our most popular subjects to kindergarten-specific programs.

Activity and exploration
Our kindergarten programming is designed to bring special experiences into our participants’ days. Our instructors create environments for social interaction and play. Our activities, create and engaging, promote learning, discovery and, above all, fun.

Kindergarten curriculum
The curriculum of our Kindergarten Clubs and In-Class Enrichment programs is appropriate to the age and developmental requirements of our kindergarten participants. Our activities are designed to foster a variety of manual, cognitive and social early-life skills.

Contact us for more information:

Please reach Katya at 416 521 5252 or

Extra Ed’s kindergarten programs are led by experienced, thoughtful instructors and assistants. Our team includes educators, musicians, chess masters, artists, and more—all of whom offer caring tutelage to our youngest participants while fostering safe and nurturing environments.

Safety and care
Our clubs are staffed by experienced instructors, assistants and floaters. They follow policies to ensure our students are always happy, safe, well-attended to, and accounted for. Our team coordinates with school administration to ensure smooth transitions between class, clubs and dismissals—in strict adherence with school policies.

As a full-service provider we make administration easy. All Extra Ed programs are straightforward to implement and low-maintenance to operate. We take care of all the necessities—so you don’t have to.

Equipment and Supplies
We always provide all necessary equipment and supplies for these programs—be they chess sets, craft materials, musical instruments, LEGO sets, or anything else we need to craft a great experience.