It’s time to grab your director’s chair; you’re making a movie! Extra Ed walks you through everything you need to know to make movies, from production to editing and everything in between. Critique each other’s work in a class setting to make compelling storylines, and you’ll produce a short movie as part of each level. And…action!

Movie Making Level 1 Learn the art of narrative filmmaking.

Movie Making Level 2 Explore directorial techniques for intermediate movie makers.

Movie Making Level 3 Learn advanced editing and become a mini director.

Documentary Filmmaking Level 1 Explore documentary filmmaking and learn about informative films.

Documentary Filmmaking Level 2 Analyze documentaries in more depth for intermediate students.

Documentary Filmmaking Level 3 Learn advanced aspects of documentary films.

Short Video Creation Level 1 Explore video editing! Great for students looking to start YouTube careers.

Short Video Creation Level 2 Take a more in-depth look at online video editing, looking at examples from successes online.

Short Video Creation Level 3 Create a YouTube/Tik Tok channel of their own.